Sunday, April 19, 2009

Thank a Cager

I went for a great ride today. Between the weather, the road, and the scenery, it was awesome! You know how when you get out and ride and you begin to ponder ideas? I had one today I thought I’d share. By nature I’m a polite person. I might kick your ass, but my mama taught me to be polite about it. So as I was riding on a beautiful two lane country road, I noticed a car up ahead in the left lane waiting to turn across my lane into a driveway. It’s like your radar goes off before your mind recognizes it and you become alert and assess closely if they are going to cut fatefully in front of you. This person sat and patiently waited for me to drive by. As I passed I instinctively waved to them to thank them for waiting and respecting my space. Wow, what an innovative idea! We bitch and moan about how we had this close call and that one. We plaster bumper stickers all over that plead, “Watch Out For Motorcycles!” But do we ever acknowledge the driver that does the right thing? We should extend positive reinforcement to those who give us respect and encourage them to always do the right thing... watch out for motorcycles.

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