Sunday, September 22, 2024

I'm Back

I’m back. I let some bad people run up on me and I let them in. At the time, I thought I was cool and had the world beat. Turns out that you can’t ever beat the world but it can sure beat on us; it’s relentless. Bad things happened. I did bad things and bad things were done to me. It’s taken years but I’m back with a resolve to buck up and keep going. 

I went for a nice ride today. It's been too long for that too. It took me out on some of my favorite backroads and it replenished my soul. From the moment I fired up the bike and shifted into first gear that feeling came over me; you know the feeling. I took off and that sweet scent of leather and hot pavement came over me like a familiar blanket from my mother's house, that smell of lost familiarity. The roads were busier than any of us would like until I made a turn and escaped the pack. I twisted the throttle and had nothing but open road ahead as far as I could see. I actually yelled, "Yes! Freedom!" I was blessed with miles of country roads with no obstructions, no other vehicles. I was able to take in the scenery of rolling green pastures with so many centurions: large live oaks with their canopies draped in gray skirts of Spanish moss. They loom over a billion tall viridescent blades of grass and rangy stalks of shrubs. Cattle grazed, some brown, some white, some black, most a mix of all three. 

The ride released the residual negativity that accumulates on all of us like dust from a gravel road. It's unintentional but settles on us and as we think nothing of washing road grime off our bikes we never think about what's on us. Pardon the gross discriptor but it's spiritual human dander. The negativity others put off floats through the air like dust, fine particles that lilt aimlessly in the ether. As the tiny particles gather on us they eventually cause our arua to grow dim and our spirits to smother and gasp for air. We feel negative and sometimes depressed and we don't know why; it creeps up on us. But is there anything better than a ride to blow away the black specks of negativity? With the weight lifted I could feel my spirit rise. The light blue skies were a brilliant backdrop to the scenery as the miles rolled on. 

I realized that I was taking a trip back to doing something that I love. What I thought was lost was never gone, I was. 

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